AMZ Elite Testimonials - Real People's success from our AMZ Software

Meet The Star Behind AMZ Elite

Stephanie Theodore

Stephanie Theodore

I help everyday people start and build a 6 figure online Business without having to leave the comfort of their home using Amazon FBA.

I began my Career in the Corporate world, and got so sick and tired of the long days and underpay I truly wanted a better life so I soon transitioned into Entrepreneurship and creating an online business that gives me the freedom to live life on my own terms, Stephanie has now built multiple brands on Amazon & has coached hundreds of others, and helped many people leave the corporate 9-5 life and make money online!

‘’AMZ Elite and working with Stephanie has been the best decision of my life. She goes above and beyond for her students to get them the best results.‘’This is typically what her students say after working with Stephanie.

Okay so I've seen your students success, I've seen you in the media, I've learned more about you... What About Amz?!

The first thing people always ask is, "Is Amz saturated, or can it work for someone like me with NO experience..."

...And the answer might SHOCK YOU! As of this month, close to 60% of sales on Amz were made by EVERYDAY PEOPLE just like you and me! And that number is growing larger every single day... Look below to see a graph of third party sales on Amz by quarter!

Number of Total Sales on Amz for 3rd Party Sellers (Everyday People and Small Businesses) as of Q1 of THIS YEAR!

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The answer to the next most popular question is for me personally... the most astonishing of all!

Picture for just a moment, the Staples Center, where the Lakers play FILLED with people. That's 20,000 people packed into a single building.

Now one more time... picture that same building 10x TIMES OVER...

When we hear "But how many people are making Serious income with Amz FBA?" we always point to this figure released by Amz themselves in their shareholders letter.

Experts Agree, this surge in demand for Amz will stick around LONG after CORONA is Gone

Okay, But What About the CORONA Virus and the Pandemic - How Did That Affect Amz?!

Won't that affect things, will Amz still work... In Short the Answer is a RESOUNDING YES! Amz actually BENEFITED IMMENSELY From the Pandemic! Which means sellers like us are benefiting immensely as well!

Jeff Bezo's Added Close to $50,000,000,000 to his Net Worth During the Pandemic...

Amz Hired an Additional 500,000 People to Try to Keep Up With Demand...

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Experts Agree, this surge in demand for Amz will stick around LONG after CORONA is Gone

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It's hard to believe how much this benefits YOU as an Amz Seller (Or Future Amz Seller!)

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More People that have never bought ANYTHING ONLINE are turning to Amz...

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Check Out These Real People!


Disclaimer : Steph is a professional. Her results, and those of his top students are not typical. Their experiences are not a guarantee you will make money You may make more, less, or the same.

“If you change nothing, nothing changes - and if you don’t get started building your dream life, someone will happily hire you to help build theirs”