Get The Most Accurate Amazon Sales Estimates

Chrome Extension Allows You To See Behind the Amazon
Products Page.

More Accurate Than Trendster

With the Chrome Extension, you can estimate a product’s profitability by viewing current and
previous price and sales trends.

Direct Amazon connection

In one click, the Chrome Extension uncovers the Amazon results page. It gives you sales estimates and data projections in real-time.

Validate Your Product Ideas

Uncover the last 12 month sales history PLUS the top keywords each product ranks for.

Assess a Product’s
Potential in Seconds

Have your own coach assist you day-to-day. We remember how hard getting to Page 1 can be. Our experts will guide you.


A. Yes you may. All you need to do is sign up for a Free Trial account and choose a monthly or annual Legendary plan and you'll be able to try out our Chrome Extension.

A. Chrome Extension improves how you view your product research. You get Live Data from Amazon, this tool helps you estimate sales and show potential profitability with specific products and for the US, UK, Canada, Spain, Germany, and Italy.

A. Chrome Extension is one of the tools in AMZ Elite. Our extension allows you to see page one product averages such as average monthly revenues, sales, unit price and reviews. This helps you identify which products sell the best, how much you can sell it for and how much you can make. We have other tools such as Elite research, Keywords, Sales Estimator, Reverse Asin and Elite Tracker. Each tool helps you with your quest to make your business a massive success.